During the program, our experts will teach you how to masterfully use various effects and create amazing Flash animations with their help. After completing our course and learning how to work with the program, everyone will be able to become a real craftsman who can create truly unique works.

Course program

Section 1. Characteristics of the editor.
What is the purpose of Flash-type videos.
Introduction to the interface.
What are its characteristic features.
How to work with the palette.
Adjustment of the working environment.
Methods of file management.
Familiarity with the central settings of the editor.
What is the essence of the central parameters of a Flash movie.
How to test it.
What is the Timeline timeline.
How to work with layers.

Section 2. The drawing procedure.
Introduction to the toolbar.
Familiarity with their groups.
What are the drawing modes.
Familiarity with drawing mechanisms.
Introduction to their parameters.
How to draw on layers.
Characteristics of the contour stroke.
Characteristics of the fill.
Introduction to Color.
The algorithm for importing a raster image.
How to use raster models in the form of contour fills.

Section 3. Regulation.
Introduction to the mechanisms of transformation.
Introduction to Transform.
How the sequence is changed.
The algorithm of relative alignment.
The algorithm for distribution.
How the distribution is performed relative to the layers.
Implementation of adjustment with a contour shape.

Chapter 4. Symbols.
The purpose of creating symbols.
Familiarity with the symbol operations of the Library panel.
Algorithm for generating a fresh symbol.
Characteristics of the types of symbols.
Adjusting the format of instances.
What is a symbol reference.
How to replace the standard.

Chapter 5. Types of animation in this editor.
Its classification.
How frame-by-frame animation works.
What are the features that make it different.
Key frames are.
What are intermediate frames.
How the frames are adjusted.

Chapter 6. Understanding shape animation. Understanding classic motion animation.
Classis Tween is.
Formation of the format.
Adjusting the format.
How to adjust with a large number of frames.
Shape Tween.
How to adjust the adjustment hints.
Working with masks.

Chapter 7. Introduction to additional animation features.
Introduction to Motion Tween.
How movements are copied.
How to insert a motion.
Introduction to motion styles.

Chapter 8. Simple 3D animation.
Introduction to 3D transformation.
Introduction to viewpoint formats.
Characteristics of the motion editor.

Chapter 9. Understanding inverse kinematics.
Characteristics of the Bone tool.
Formation of the frame on its basis.
What is included in the parameters of inverse kinematics.
How animation is performed on the basis of poses.
How to edit relationships among points, contours, and bones.

Chapter 10. Implementation of import from other applications.
Introduction to importing graphic objects.
How the import is regulated.
How to import audio.
Introduction to the type of synchronization of sounds in the editor that contains audio.
Operations with internal files.

Chapter 11: Characteristic features of textual activity.
How they are edited.
Introduction to anti-aliasing modes.
How to substitute fonts that are not available.

Chapter 12. Action Script 3.0.
Overview of the language.
Familiarization with the sequence of script execution.
How banners are formed.
Methods of forming transparent buttons.
What are interframe transitions.

Chapter 13. Characteristics of the formation of independent applications.
How they are published for Macintosh.
How they are published for Windows.
How to work in full screen mode.

Chapter 14. Characteristics of publishing and exporting Flash movies.
Familiarity with applications that play swf files.
What algorithms are used to export a full movie.
What algorithms are used to export a single frame.
How to publish publicly available raster formats.

Chapter 15: Embedding Flash movies in HTML.
HTML publication adjustment operations.
Adjusting the reflection efficiency.
What method can be used to adjust the size of the video.
How to create Flash movies with a transparency background.
How to optimize the video.