Mickey Mouse is 92 years old, but that doesn’t mean that two-dimensional animation is yesterday’s news. Any artist or animator needs basic skills. We have created a course that will not only give you an understanding of the principles of 2D animation, but also show you all their diversity on the example of three major world schools – American, French, and Japanese.

To do this, we will get acquainted with the TVPaint Animation program and go through all the key points of creating 2D animation. We will also learn what the principle of overflow is and the concept of weight in animation.

Course program

Animation basics

  • Introduction to the TVPaint program.
  • Animation of a ball.

The principle of overlap

  • Animation of a pendulum with a tail.
  • Differences in physics in American, French, and Japanese schools.

Secondary motion

  • The concept of weight.
  • Animation of a puppet.

Creating a cycle
The flight of a bird.

Spatial drawing

  • Character in a cube.
  • Transferring the volume.

The character’s gait
Differences in the three schools of animation.

Character running
Types of running in different schools.

Action shot

  • Improvisation in the style of the chosen school.
  • Working with a video reference.

Working on the shot
Polishing the timing and spacing, taking into account the chosen style.

Articulation and facial expressions of the character.


  • Creating your own character.
  • Working with a video ref.

Working on the actor’s shot

  • The impact of phasing and timing on the final result.
  • Analysis in different schools of animation.

Finalizing the actor’s shot

  • Final polishing.
  • Subtleties of micromimicry.
  • Features of graphic stylization of movements.